Tanty Krisnasari Safira

Fiction and all writing portfolios

Like the old saying in Indonesia, “Tak kenal maka tak sayang”, I would feel appreciated if you see behind my present self. p.s no pressure to love me, lol.

Since I was young, I have liked to write, from writing fictional stories to articles for school bulletins. Back then, I wrote so I could stop the negative thoughts that kept haunting me for years. Writing helped me fight and survive through bad things that hurt and broke me.

Sadly, I couldn’t write as much as before due to real-life things I had to do, like college and work. I still write, but it’s not something to be proud of.

All my works on this website could be read here

Here are some of the treasure-able works I wrote due to my active years (hopefully, I could update more of my works in the future!)

sorted from the most newest to oldest